EV Global needed a website that
could not only showcase its innovative approach to EV but also to engage a
global audience, building a community
of EV drivers and businesses alike.
EV Global needed an identity and
website that could not only showcase its
innovative approach to EV but also to engage
a global audience, building a community
of EV drivers and businesses alike.
We designed a visual identity and website that reflects the essence of
EV Globals vision. The design
facilitates easy navigation through
their diverse offerings, highlighting
the features, benefits and products
they offer.
We designed a visual identity and website
that reflects the essence of EV Globals vision.
The design facilitates easy navigation through
their diverse offerings, highlighting the
features, benefits and products they offer.
The site features EV Globals
products, business partner portals,
24/7 tech support for its current users, all while displaying its leading role in
the marketplace positioning their
brand strategically for the number
one spot in EV technology.
The site features EV Globals products,
business partner portals, 24/7 tech support
for its current users, all while displaying its
leading role in the marketplace positioning
their brand strategically for the number one
spot in EV technology.
The launch of EV Globals website
has successfully attracted a global
audience and has also fostered a
growing community of businesses adapting to the needs of everyday
EV Drivers.
The launch of EV Globals website has successfully attracted a global audience and has also fostered a growing community of Businesses adapting to the needs of everyday EV Drivers.